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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Latest Project

While Peggy was in class last night, I spent time with a 30 day demo of Adobe After Effects.  I have always been interested in this application but never had a need until now.  We are having a Easter Play with the children and I am going to have a "special effect".  I am not going to say what it is because it integral to the play and do not what to give anything away.

Suffice to say, I do not know this program and was using some tutorials to build this project.  Initially, I see this program as a memory and power monster.  This one project was very small but required all my physical memory (4 Gig) plus virtual memory and 100% of my Intel I5 architecture.  All in all, I would love to get this program but I may have to wait for my next computer.

With that said, I have not gotten back to my JavaScript or VBscript yet and now have an interest in Perl 6.0.  My plate runth over...

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