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Monday, March 30, 2009

Love and Appreciate What You Have

Good morning and welcome back to Whatiz. I wanted to start out this morning's post talking about something that we naturally take for granted. When we are around each other and can predict the behavior of our loved ones, it becomes almost impossible not to take them for granted. We hear the statement that some day they will be gone and we will then wish we could start over and do thing differently. I do not have to say that, at that point, it is "IMPOSSIBLE". We also have the excuse that, "what do you mean? We are too young for something like that to happen!" Well, as the Bible says, we are not promised tomorrow. However, we hear all this and we can still justify our relationships, because all the excuses are nothing more than words.

Let me say that I hope my sweetheart realizes how much I appreciate her but I do not want to assume anything. I try to let her know how amazing she is every day and truly mean every word. We hear about our "better half"… if you look up the word "Better Half" in the dictionary, you would see the definition, "Peggy".

I know this is rather deep for a Monday morning but we truly need to examine our relationships and ourselves. We need to in all honesty, begin to show our appreciation to our families and loved one while it is still "POSSIBLE". Even if they do not show their appreciation.

We received a phone call yesterday from my brother. He delivered some horrible news about my nieces' husband. Apparently, her husband (Scott) was feeling bad and sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning, he passed away. Now, I have not heard of any previous ailments, so this was quit sudden. The shocking thing was that he was only 28 years old. My niece (Candy) and Scott has two of the most well behaved small children and now without a daddy.

So you see, even though we do not know when we are to leave this earth, this should be evidence enough that we should show appreciation while it is still POSSIBLE. I know when a drunk driver killed my brother, the statements were made, "we didn't even tell him we loved him" and the response was "well, he would have probably punch you if you would have told him that…" Isn't that sad?

Please keep Candy and her family in your prayers.

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