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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!

Yesterday, Peggy and I went out to get a new battery for my "Battery Backed-Up" Garage door opener when we discovered the battery was dead... (Queue Montage of June 11th).  Well, as it turned out, Lowes has it on their website but not in their stores.  So, the web showed Walmart also carries those batteries but as it turns out, "web only order."  So with that a bust, we did have an extra set of house keys made, and we can now get in the house if the power goes out again.

While we were out hunting and gathering, we encountered incredible torrential downpours.  Fortunately, and as usual, I was able to drop Peggy off right at the door.  At one point, (Walmart) I ended up sitting in the car for perhaps close to ten (10) minutes waiting for the rain to subside enough that I could get to the back of the car and get my Bumbershoot

We were a bit more productive at Walmart.  As a result of the power pole siesta debacle on June 11th, we not only found the garage door battery was inoperable, but also our cordless house phones were bad.  We got the replacements and now good-to-go until the next significant power interference.

It is typical.  We invest in contingency plans and then never test them.  So, it goes to reason that when a power failure occurs, we then test all battery backed up devices.  UPSs, Laptops, Garage Door Openers and hopefully NOT smoke detectors.

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