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Monday, February 25, 2013

No more School (for now...)

This was the first weekend I've spent NOT doing homework.  Yes, that's right. I have completed my Bachelor's degree at Ohio Christian University (OCU) in the Business Management track.  In reflection of this journey, I come away realizing I do have some smarts.  This is difficult for me to admit.  I was always the one that was thrilled to get a "C" on my report card.  Yes, a huge underachiever.  As it is, God has proven something to me during this journey at OCU.  We can quote Philippians 4:13 all we want but it does not become real until you are personally affected.

In my (what seemed like) short journey of two years and four months, I was able to maintain an "A" in all classes except one (Economics for Managers).  Almost one year after I took that class, Peggy is taking it and noticed it is completely different.  I am really happy for her.  If I was to be honest with myself, I suppose I am not to disappointed I went through the curriculum I went through.  I would say that the amount of work was the challenge and not the material itself but was very rewarding.

Each of the classes were very helpful in that, each class at OCU was necessary for my Capstone class.  This Capstone class is designed to be the last class of the bachelor program and is to be the overall measure of what we have learned throughout our program.  As mentioned before, I am the first to cringe at announcing I am anything special but I will say... standby for the blessing I received at OCU in tomorrows post...

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